Proven Results
Read Our Recent Successes
ACQUITTED Federal Racketeering
ACQUITTED Conspiracy to Distribute
ACQUITTED Fraud & Money Laundering
ACQUITTED Aggravated Assault
DISMISSED Chop Shop & Possession of Vehicles w/ Altered Vin
ACQUITTED Multiple Armed Robbery

More Than 60 Combined Years of Criminal Defense Experience
Well-versed in state & federal crimes, our skilled and seasoned Atlanta criminal defense lawyers know what it takes to reach favorable outcomes for our clients.

“From the beginning, Nick was kind, thoughtful, and caring.”
“If you need a lawyer who will represent you and your best interest, will listen to you, empathize with your situation, and carefully execute a game plan based on the situation. Nick Lotito will be the best choice if your life is dependent on it.”- Mark M. -
“They provided a complete and comprehensive strategy!”
“It was a win for the ages indeed: a complete acquittal–not guilty on 8 counts of Federal charges! Forever grateful, Nick and Seth have gained lifetime friends in us and my entire family.”- The Whitby Group -
“Words simply cannot express what an AMAZING attorney and person Nick Lotito is or the incredible job he did representing me.”
“Thank you, Nick, for all of your help, support, and patience in my case. You made a difficult time in my life a little easier and less stressful. From the bottom of my heart I greatly appreciate everything you have done for me.”- TG

A Messagefrom Nick Lotito & Seth Kirschenbaum
We Are Ready to Help
A member of our team will be in touch shortly to confirm your contact details or address questions you may have.